
Tom Weber
Senior Managing Engineer - RecyPoly

Tom is a Senior Managing Engineer with over 25 years of experience in private-sector and federal environmental program & project management, waste management & minimization, recycling, engineering & construction management, environmental remediation, compliance and risk management. After obtaining Bachelor of Science degrees in Mechanical and Petroleum Engineering, Tom worked for a Fortune 500 company in San Antonio, TX where he managed a diverse team of engineers and scientists for federal environmental and construction projects. He was also a principal in a diverse company offering classical environmental consulting, acquisition due diligence and mold remediation. Tom’s technical experience includes plastics recycling plant operations, equipment maintenance, collaboration with oil-field facilities in managing specific waste streams, focusing on re-use of materials for btu value to minimize use of landfills, research and design of carbon capture processes for industrial facility flue gas and food packaging industries, and more. Tom’s technical expertise is currently focused on operations at RecyPoly, Inc., a Circular Strategy Holdings business.